We have a lot going on, be sure you are getting all the communications from your head coach on Team Snap. Sorry for the information overload, but we have a TON of updates to share – read all the way to the end, there is important information in the whole email. Join us at the SWAP!…

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August 18, 2023 Welcome everyone to the 2023-24 season! A historic winter has given way to a little milder and wetter summer than we have seen in recent years.  As skiers we are always in anticipation of precipitation (except maybe once in a while on race day!)  There is no doubt that last year presented…

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Announcement! U.S. Ski & Snowboard has named Snowbird Sports Education Foundation a Silver-certified club, one of the highest honors possible. The process of achieving Silver level certification as a club provides an opportunity for the National Governing Body, U.S. Ski & Snowboard, to assess a club’s current situation and determine areas of need and opportunities for improvement.…

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May 5, 2023 Greetings SBSEF,The 2022-23 season will be forever burned into our memories.  I can honestly say that this season was simultaneously one of the greatest ever and most difficult ever.  Overall we are grateful for the snow, the water in the ecosystem, and copious amounts of powder.  On the other hand, we realized…

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Greetings SBSEF, Spring has arrived after the biggest winter on record, and despite the significant and continuing challenges this record snow year has brought, it has been a fun, wild, productive and successful season. The competition season is essentially wrapped up, and other sports are in full swing now for many of our athletes.  Still, we are not…

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  March 21, 2023 Greetings SBSEF, It’s championship time!  SBSEF athletes and coaches put in a great deal of work throughout the year leading up to this point.  Conditioning, mental preparation, technical fundamental work, and countless hours of deliberate practice.  It’s no accident, no coincidence, when it all comes together; “The hay is in the…

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February 19, 2023 Greetings SBSEF, Things are in full swing and we have passed the mid-season mark.  EVERY group within the team has recently had competitions, see below for group-by-group highlights.  There are many! Little Cottonwood Canyon is quite literally the epicenter of good skiing this year, with bountiful snowfall and fantastic training conditions.  I…

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December 17, 2022 Greetings SBSEF, Powder-filled December days have made for the best early-season skiing in recent memory.  The consensus seems to be the best since 2005… In addition to the great skiing we have had a very productive beginning to the season in terms of training.  The season began in late October in Colorado for the FIS Team,…

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Greetings SBSEF, Excitement is building for the 2022-23 season. We have a significant change in weather coming in the next few days and even snow in the forecast.  It’s happening… Amazingly, the first World Cup race of the season is this weekend in Soelden, Austria.  On the homefront, staff has been working hard to dial in…

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