Freeride U12 Team

2024-2025 U12 Freeride Team:
The U12 Freeride Program is designed to provide motivated young athletes with coaching in the fundamental skills for high-level skiing and successful Freeride competition. While the program is focused on Freeride, we believe that a strong foundation of technical skill translates directly to greater future success in competition. Training will include drills and exercises on groomed terrain and brush/gate training in addition to focused freeskiing and training on off-piste terrain.
Training will include coaching in the following areas:
- Developing character and sportsmanship
- Developing a strong foundation of the fundamental skills required for skiing in all terrain and snow conditions
- Developing the skills for jumping and basic freestyle maneuvers
- Developing the skills for successful Freeride competition
- Introduction to goal setting
- Instilling a lifelong passion for skiing
- Having lots of fun!
- Athlete experience: Prospective athletes must be able to ski confidently on “black” ungroomed terrain at both Alta and Snowbird.
Essential skills include:
- Ability to ski with confidence on black terrain and in all snow conditions
- Ability to hike and carry skis
- Ability to traverse and sidestep efficiently
- Parallel skiing with good fluidity on black ungroomed terrain
- Understanding/practicing the skier responsibility code and mountain etiquette
*All new athletes must take part in a try-out day to determine if this program is the best fit for your athlete. Tryouts will take place in May. SBSEF holds the right to deny program access based on skill level.*
Athlete Age: 10-11 (2013-2014 birth years)
Competitions and events: U12 athletes will have the opportunity to participate in 1-3 local competitions with an optional season championship travel event in April. As a competitive program, we require all U12 athletes to participate in at least one competition. The competition schedule will be made for each athlete by the Head Coach in October/November.
Program includes:
- Dryland training Early September-Early November
- On snow training 1-3 days/week, December - March
- Holiday Camp
Review the program details in the blue bar sections for more information about our team.
Note: Our team is FULL for the 2024-25 season.
Davin Grapentine
Freeride Director
Team Schedule from TeamSnap

Links for Team Members:

Upcoming Events
- Feb 1 & 2: Devo Cookie Cup
- Feb 11 & 14: Bryce Astle Memorial WR SL
- March 1 & 2: Devo Hot Cocoa Cup
- March 29 & 20: Devo Freeride Comp
- April 5-8: Snow Cup
- April 13: Annual Family BBQ & Duals
Join Our Newsletter

Office & Gym Address:
3690 E Fort Union #102
Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121