Oct & Nov 2023 Team Update
Greetings SBSEF,
Fall activities have been super fun this year, and productive. Dryland was very well attended and that work will pay direct dividends on the mountain. The swap was fun and efficient, our Needles camp was another beautiful trip to the desert with perfect weather, and this year’s SBSEF Gala presented by Kuhl was an absolutely incredible evening for the team, and all those in attendance. I am definitely feeling a lot of gratitude as we enter the season, and am thrilled to be part of such a wonderful team and community! As always THANK YOU to our many sponsors and supporters!
So… the wait is over and opening week is finally here! Over the course of the coming days and weeks all the different SBSEF groups will hit the snow. As I mentioned in my alert last week, we still have a long way to go before the hazards are covered (they never really go away), so please remember that this time of year is for getting back over our skis and focusing on the fundamentals. By all means, let’s get out and have some fun, but please be careful and smart in the early season.
You will see below a great deal of information about the happenings on the team. The coaches are eager to get going and are happy to answer any questions you have during the countdown. Before long it will be the Holidays, we will spend full days together and hopefully have ample snow to play in. And in January we begin hosting our annual array of events and competitions. I look forward to seeing you up here.
Work Hard. Dream Big.

Table Sponsors –
Team Utah – Matt Davis
Sic Day Inc | Zach White
Bounous Family | Compunet | Consultnet | Horsley/Weidenroth Family | Kadulova & Chachas | Mikell Family | Snow Christensen & Martineau | Snowbird
Fitness Test Update:
On November 10th SBSEF Alpine and Freeride athletes participated in the USSA SkillsQuest fitness assessment. The physical demands of skiing require amazing strength, power, agility, endurance, and balance. An athlete’s fitness level will directly contribute to on-hill success as it facilitates an athlete’s ability to tolerate high volumes of skiing as well as injury prevention. Athletes can compare their scores to the national standards as well as team records. Congratulations to all athletes who participated. Below are the updated record boards for the team.
Freeride Team Update:
Freeride is gearing up for our first weekend of on-snow training up at Alta this coming Saturday and Sunday. Our regular midweek schedule begins next week, Wednesday through Friday. Please RSVP to training on TeamSnap by Wednesday night for the weekend and Sunday night for midweek trainings! Be on the lookout for the IFSA 3* registration schedule. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Will or Davin or Griffin or Jacqueline if you have questions about anything!
Snowboard Team Update:
The snowboard coaches have been preparing for a very busy season. We have new athletes joining our Para group, NorAm group and we are already booking travel for 2 trips to Europe and at least 5 trips to Canada. As most of our athletes don’t live here full time, they have started arriving ahead of on-hill training starting later this week. We are also very excited to have our younger athletes returning to training this season with some midweek and weekend training options. If you know of anyone who might be interested in these programs, please reach out to Lane for more info.
Skimo Team Update:
The Skimo Team is scheduled to begin training on December 7th, conditions permitting. We are actively recruiting athletes to join the team. If you or anyone you know is interested in trying Skimo contact Davin for more information. dgrapentine@sbsef.com Drop in sessions may be possible for athletes that want to try Skimo, but are unable to commit to the whole season. Please help share this new program with any friends that may be interested.
FIS Team Update:
The FIS team is psyched to have concluded their summer/fall dryland training and to be back on snow chasing the dream! Our first on-snow project of the fall, the second joint effort between the Snowbird and Jackson Hole teams this off-season, wrapped up Nov 12th. Despite warm temps and lack of snow across most of the west, we had excellent training conditions, and on the whole continued to benefit from working with and interacting with the athletes and staff from another high level club who is passionate about skiing.
After a short break, the 99.9% of our FIS team will be back on the road for a camp in A-Basin/Aspen starting on the 22nd of Nov that will provide the bulk of our pre-season prep for the first races of the year in Jackson on Dec 12th.
Aspen Camp Update:
Competition season for U19, U16, and U14 athletes is just around the corner. The Sean Nurse tech series in Jackson Hole is slated for December 18 – 24. In preparation, the Snowbird alpine team left for Aspen Highlands for a preseason GS camp. Athletes spent seven days on snow getting back on skis and in the gates. Highland had excellent conditions for both technical freeskiing and training alongside some of the US’s best upcoming skiers. The US men’s development team were also there prepping for early season Norams giving our athletes an in-person look at some elite skiing. SBSEF athletes had a great camp and are excited to get back on snow at Snowbird with a head start on the season.
Alpine Level 100 Update:
Alpine Level 100 update – SBSEF is offering an in-house level 100. Originally we had scheduled the on-snow portion for Dec. 5th, however, due to some scheduling conflicts, we are targeting the following week. The revised date is Monday, Dec. 11th.
If you are interested please email both Bo Maciejko (bo@sbsef.com) and Bridger Call (ed@sbsef.com) and let them know you plan on participating.
Note: There is a significant amount (hours not minutes) of online pre-work to complete. You will want to give yourself a solid week to prepare for it so that you can go through it comfortably.
Other Important News & Information:
Teen mental health is on our minds.
We are partnering with @liveonutah to provide an educational zoom meeting for our teens on Tuesday, December 5, and for our parents and coaches on Thursday, December 7th, 2023. Please see TeamSnap for the times and links. We hope to have everyone participate in these important information sessions.
Volunteer sign-ups are open
SBSEF is proud to host a number of alpine events for the Intermountain Division. We cannot host our events without your help. Please check out the new volunteer webpage, and sign up when you can help! If you have any questions, please ask. CLICK HERE to sign up today!
We love the support of our community! Through the generous donations of many, we are able to support the dreams of our winter athletes. Please feel free to CLICK HERE to donate on this #givingtuesday or mail a check to SBSEF, 3165 E Millrock Dr, Suite 190, Holladay, UT 84121 for end-of-the-year donations. We are a 501(c)(3) and will gladly provide you with a receipt for your generous donation.
Please double and triple-check that you are set for the season with rosters, schedules, and coach contact information in TeamSnap! If you are missing the app, you are missing out on valuable information! Please let us know if something doesn’t seem quite right.
Passes – pick ’em up!
Athletes and Coaches – be sure you pick up your passes at Snowbird BEFORE your first training session.
Canyon Transportation Update
We will have a Friday Canyon Transportation shuttle this season, leaving from Churchill and Skyline. Details will be sent to those participating, it will begin on December 8th.
Pre-Ordered Kühl Jacket update
We have heard that the adult Kühl jackets will be delivered to the office later this week, when we get them ready for pick up, we will let those with orders know!
There is no update on Shreddog orders, but we are trying to get an answer soon. We were notified over the holiday weekend that there was a delay, but that they were shipping soon.