The U12 team is wrapping up the final two competition weekends of the season. We had 9 U12s compete at the Solitude 2* on March 8th and 9th with multiple athletes earning podium spots on both days. In the Volume 1 event, Maviny Houdeshel and Will Fallis both placed 3rd in the girl’s and boy’s competitions, respectively. In the Volume 2 girls competition, Sophia DeBirk took the win and Sabrina Houdeshel placed 3rd. In the Volume 2  boys competition Will Fallis improved on his Friday result and placed 2nd. We’re very proud of how well all of our U12s skied at Solitude!

The last local competition for the U12s was held at Park City on March 16th and 17th. Liam Campagna was our only U12 that competed at Park City. He finished 5th with a solid run on Jupiter Peak. To wrap up the competition season Will Fallis will be representing SBSEF at U12 Championships in Breckenridge, CO April 7th-10th. He will be competing with some of the best U12 skiers from across the US and Canada. Good luck Will!


We have several fun weekends of training on deck as the season comes to a close. Our U12’s will be joining the Devos for their annual Freeride Competition on March 30th/31st for our final weekend of training. The competition will be held on Rasta Chutes (weather permitting). After a couple week break will be offering several weekends of spring training camps in late April/early May. Look for more information and camp sign up soon.

Davin Grapentine
Freeride Development Director


The U15s have had a very fun and busy March.  A lot of the team was still busy with competitions while the kids at home got to enjoy some new snow and sunshine. Some of the team traveled to Crested Butte where the group learned how to ski step bumps and dodge some rocks. Cortland Goldberg and Rex Rice had top-ten finishes in the boys and everyone showed some awesome skiing.  At Crystal Mountain, Izzy Utgaard represented the U15s and made it to finals.  Snowbird held its home event March 1st-3rd. It ended up only being a one-run competition due to the weather, but everyone skied awesome. It was fun to watch the kids shred their home mountain. Brynn Copinga found her way on the podium placing 3rd and there were a few top 10 finishes in the U15 boys!  Big Sky happened right after Snowbird. Brynn Copinga placed 2nd and Samantha Russel made it to finals and placed 7th!


The Solitude 2* was held the same weekend as Big Sky. At Solitude Fisher Campagna placed 2nd, Maya Sullivan took 1st and Dorothy Hastings placed 2nd. Congratulations to everyone who has competed this month and cheers to everyone who has been at home crushing it!

With all of that the competition season is starting to wrap up! The rest of the season has some fun days of training left and a few of the U15s will be off to represent Altabird at Junior Champs in Breckenridge Colorado.

Can’t wait to enjoy a fun spring with everyone!

Jacqueline Pollard
Freeride U15 Head Coach


March is already here and passing us by quickly!

It’s been a very busy month for the U19 team. We started out with wild weather for the Snowbird 3* March 1st-3rd where Hannah Baldwin placed 1st with great skiing, and a massive 360 off the bush air!  The same weekend as the Snowbird event the Tahoe area received 12 feet of snow forcing the Kirkwood 3* to reschedule.


The second weekend of March was a busy one with athletes competing at Big Sky, Solitude, and Mad River Glen, simultaneously. At Big Sky the snowpack was thin, but conditions were excellent. Michael Wheatley and Lucy Collins both placed 4th Big Sky. At Mad River Glen conditions were thin and challenging with rain the day before competition. Drew Dana and Emerson Menges placed 3rd and 9th, respectively. Solitude had great competition conditions with sunny skies. Our athletes showed some excellent skiing with multiple podium results. Solitude results were: Rowan Hilton 1st, Lucas Baldwin 2nd, Hannah Baldwin 1st (now ranked 2nd overall) and Kate Williams 2nd.

We are now in Kirkwood for the 3* event and conditions are looking fantastic! Good luck this weekend to the athletes at Park City!

Hearts out to all our injured athletes and coaches, wishing you all a speedy recovery. Can’t wait to get back out there with you all!

Griffin Rasmussen
Head U19 Coach

Hot off the press!  JFC Invites just came out!  We currently have 10 athletes invited to the Junior Freeride Championships at Breckenridge!  We might have a small number of athletes still qualify, but in the meantime please congratulate Brynn Copinga, Fisher Campagna, Cortland Goldberg, Canyon Whiteside, Hannah Baldwin, Sasha Bills, Maddie Johnson, Jack Reynolds, Michael Wheatley, and Drew Dana.